Friday, February 25, 2011

Quote of the Month- February

"Those who laugh at the erotic, die by the erotic!"
 Kida Masaomi - Durarara!!

Feel free to comment with any thoughts to this awesome 'Quote of the Month'
for ex: did it turn u on? ... jk

'Splainin ta do

Yosh! So i was thinking that maybe we weren't ever clear about what we blog about so i decided to make a list. (It's all monthly btw)

Randomness (Like this or other updates we deem necessary)
Anime Review
Cosplay Spotlights
Pros and Cons (This is actually not monthly, just wheneva theres a con in town)

So yea! That about it for our monthlys, so don't forget to stop by every once in a while


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Witch Hunter Robin Review

A blast from the past? I know.
Alright, if you’re looking for an action packed fan-service filled anime, then Robin is not for you. Robin is a 15 year old Italian nun, with the “Craft” ability of pyrokenises. So now you’re asking: Is she a witch or isn’t she? Technically she’s a “Craft-user”. But you can just call her “The-good-witch-that-isn’t-actually-a-witch-cause-she’s-good”. Our dear Robin is employed by the covert STN-J to hunt witches. Hence the title, Witch Hunter Robin.
 Robin is slow mystery anime that draws the audience in with the promise of a relatively interesting plot. It’s not until episode 11 that you can scream, “I’ve found the plot!” at four o’clock in the morning like I did. Then you can continue on with the series almost happy that the ever-elusive plot has finally risen. But then, you find yourself at the end of the series screaming “WTF!?” seven hours later. Yup, the ending is a huge disappointment and open to too many broad interpretations of what had happened.
This mystery anime was seriously lacking in suspense and, besides the main plot, any mystery at all. Another beef many people have with Robin, is the lack of an interesting soundtrack. Come on, we “Otaku’s” love to fill or ipods and mp3s with the awesome beat of Japanese music! 
What I loved about Robin was Robin herself, I fell in love with that 15 year old Italian nun on the first episode. And I constantly rooted for her and the main male character, Amon to get it on. But sadly this never happens, but then again, she is a nun.
So who would like Robin?
  • Any new comer to the Anime world 
  • Any one who wants to take that trip down the memory-lane of 2004 Adult swim.
  • Those who are looking for a non-suspenseful mystery.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hello World!

We be CookiePlay (GuiltyRose and Sceltie)! And we’re here to Blog your world! Lol jk, but really, except not.
Moving on,
We’re a cosplaying pair that spawns from the Arizona-Otaku area. (Side note: Arizona is a great place to be an Otaku! So many CONS!) 

We make Youtube videos 
and post our cosplay pics on our DeviantArt…which you guys should check out…*HintHint* Also starting now we will blog, review Anime and Manga, and put some awesome cosplays under the spotlight!

We go to anime conventions in, you guessed it, our cosplays!
Also, we have begun hosting our own panels at said anime conventions! We make Cosplaying shorts and group videos about...well...mostly cons. But cons are fun so that’s alright! We also review said cons. Mostly pros and CONS! get it get it? It's punny. We’re all about the puns.

We're not restricted to just bits about anime but also pop culture spoofs, comic books, video games, Fantasy, and Scifi genres too. But those are mostly for the talking, but not too much for the Cosplaying. We still love them.

Sadly we do not have as many views as we'd like...that might have something to do with our videos... BUT THEIR GETTING BETTER! I SWEAR THEY ARE!

A little of our back story- We were initially inspired by the AMAZING VIDEOS of the ever-loved Demyx Time videos and the Fighting Dreamers Pro! Both really good examples of Cosplay related web shows of AWSOMENESS! We whole heartedly support all Cosplay Videos floating around! DO YOUR BEST GUYS! And we'll do our best for you guys too!